American Horror Story

First aired in 2011, American Horror Story quickly gained its reputation as one of the darkest shows on TV. Combining horror and supernatural elements, each season presents a unique mini-series in different settings and time periods. The fantasy elements range from witches to hulking monsters, ghosts, and demons, creating a variety rarely seen in a single show. Thankfully, despite those changes, the quality of AHS remains stable throughout. Each fantasy element is executed in a way that denies cliché and focuses on the darker side. Intense mystery, horror, and great writing carry each season, slowly unfolding a prevailing sense of dread. Acting, meanwhile is superb across the board, the skillful Evan Peters making an appearance in most series, joined by the likes of Zachary Quinto, Jessica Langue, and even Lady Gaga. Despite its recurring actors, the characters in AHS remain complex and immersive, creating a horror experience that's deeper anything else out there.

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