Heavy Rain (2010)

Heavy Rain is not a perfect game. It struggles with some questionable voice acting, is driven largely by quick time events, and even has some narrative missteps. The scope of it can't be denied, however, and nor can the intense mystery it provides. David Cage presents an entirely original noir thriller, imbued with sci-fi elements and an extraordinary number of different, branching narratives. The game puts you in the shoes of four different characters as you try to figure out the mystery of the 'Origami Killer', who drowns children and leaves paper sculptures on their bodies. Playing as an FBI agent, agoraphobic father, photojournalist and private detective, you gradually discover how their lives are intertwined. Along the way, however, you'll have to make some difficult decisions, and the story is completely shaped by those choices. Protagonists can die quite easily in this franchise, and that doesn't present you with a simple 'try again' screen. Death is permanent, and the lack of that character will have a significant impact on the outcome. This lack of linearity has inspired countless titles since, really taking the genre to another level and proving that video games are a perfect platform for storytelling. With a recent PS4 re-master improving the graphics even further, this revolutionary title must be experienced.

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Heavy Rain (2010)

Heavy Rain is not a perfect game. It struggles with some questionable voice acting, is driven largely by quick time events, and even has some narrative missteps. The scope of... Read more
