Beyond: Two Souls
Booklists having this book
Top 50 Best Fantasy Video Games of All Time
In many mediums, fantasy is simply put on the back burner. Movie and TV producers don't want to spend the special effects budget, theaters simply can't replicate it, and non-YA... Read more
Other books by Aspyr, Quantic Dream &
Indigo Prophecy
This is where it all started, not just for developer Quantic Dream, but for the modern interactive movie genre. With its break-out success, the studio created a title with a... Read more
Beyond: Two Souls
We've mentioned Indigo Prophecy already on this list, masterminded by David Cage and developed by Quantic Dream. It's an old game, however, and the development team now has had years... Read more
Heavy Rain (2010)
Heavy Rain is not a perfect game. It struggles with some questionable voice acting, is driven largely by quick time events, and even has some narrative missteps. The scope of... Read more