The Books Of Change
Earth’s greatest feats of power come from nature, and this holds true in Sean Williams’ world. Magic in The Stone Mage and the Sea is stored in natural locations, built up by the tiny changes that take place over millennia. Mages are defined by where they can draw their power, from the sea,tothe rocks and more.
Using glyphs, mages can draw out the power and shape it,but it’s not set in the overdone medieval-era. William’s world is inspired by his homeland of Australia, meaning stretching red deserts and sparse open land. There’s an almost post-apocalyptic feel, with a dune buggy but not much else in the way of technology.
It’s a mashup of Earthsea and Mad Max, with a fast-paced coming of age story with awe-inspiring elemental action and great characterization to boot. Put simply, Williams has done it again. Once the series gets its hooks into you, you’ll be leftyearning for more.
Books in The Change Series (2)
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A compelling re-telling of stories of heaven, hell, the afterlife and beyond. I don’t think there is any other story out there quit e like this one. Plenty of authors... Read more
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The Books Of Change
Earth’s greatest feats of power come from nature, and this holds true in Sean Williams’ world. Magic in The Stone Mage and the Sea is stored in natural locations, built... Read more
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