The Destiny Of The Sword

Author: Duncan, Dave

Books in The Seventh Sword Series (3)

Other books by Duncan, Dave

Man Of His Word

A beloved fantasy series by all who've read it, though few modern fantasy readers have read it. This is probably one of the best hidden epic fantasy gems out there... Read more

Faery Lands Forlorn

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Perilous Seas

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Emperor And Clown

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A Tale Of The King's Blades

Duncan’s managed to make this list with 3 series. King’s Blades are some sword-heavy fantasy for those who like fantasy full of swashbuckling, politics, and raw action. This is not... Read more

Lord Of The Fire Lands

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Sky Of Swords

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Paragon Lost

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Impossible Odds

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The Jaguar Knights

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Faery Lands Forlorn

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Perilous Seas (dave Duncan)

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Emperor And Clown

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The Reluctant Swordsman

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The Coming Of Wisdom

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The Destiny Of The Sword

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The Seventh Sword

Generally regarded, along with A Man of His Word, as Duncan’s best work. This is some of the best sword and sorcery fantasy you’ll read, period.The premise is that a... Read more

Lord Of The Fire Lands

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The Seventh Sword

In the 80s, a variety of subgenres, new directions and styles evolved. Some were gritty and mentally taxing – requiring some emotional work on the reader's part. Luckily, Dave Duncan... Read more
