Penned by British author, Brain Lumley, this series of horror novels blur the line between fantasy and reality. First and foremost a vampire novel, Necroscope follows the story of man who can communicate with the dead and an evil force known as Thibor Ferenczy, a formidable and truly evil vampire.The plot of these novels is far from conventional, often eliciting images of insanity on Lumley's behalf, however, the surprisingly crisp, distinctive dialogue and imagery makes for an incredible journey into the world of espionage, communism and most importantly, vampires. Furthermore, Lumley's complex and multifaceted creation of the sadistic and slightly manic villain, Ferenczy the vampire, is completely unique, setting the Necroscope series apart from every other vampire series on the shelves.With a well-developed and nuanced plot, Lumley encapsulates old school horror in this epic series. By incorporating the real setting of the Cold War into a richly dark and macabre tale, Lumely has created a truly intriguing series, one that is definitely worth adding to your vampire fantasy collection.
Books in Necroscope Series (14)
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Penned by British author, Brain Lumley, this series of horror novels blur the line between fantasy and reality. First and foremost a vampire novel, Necroscope follows the story of man... Read more