Lyonesse Trilogy
Booklists having this book
Top 50 Best Epic Fantasy
Epic fantasy is arguably the father of all fantasy subgenres. It's also the most popular fantasy genre, with hordes of new epic fantasy books being released each month. Unfortunately, the... Read more
Other books by Vance, Jack
If you were to open a copy of Lyonesse and give it a good shake, a bunch of (very annoyed) fairies would fall out. Because they're everywhere in this book.... Read more
The Green Pearl
Madouc (1990)
Madouc by Jack Vance won the 1990 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel Read more
Lyonesse Trilogy
High kings, evil sorcerers, exiled princes, tricky fairies, and willful princesses this highly influential series has it all. There is nothing derivative about this series, being one of the founding... Read more
The Green Pearl
Tales Of The Dying Earth
Tale of the Dying Earth truly stands as one of the greatest works ever penned. Everything that's good and bad about the human condition is eloquently expressed within this tale.... Read more
The Eyes Of The Overworld
Cugel's Saga
Rhialto The Marvellous
1990: Madouc
The story follows the protagonist, Madouc, and the adventures around her quest for her pedigree. Casimir, the ruthlessly devious king of Lyonesse, has discovered that the girl he initially thought... Read more