They say it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill, but anything after that and you reach the point of diminishing returns. In Cartomancy, practice doesn’t just make perfect, it transcends to a magical ability.
For the Anturasi family, that magic takes the form of map making. In a world that has yet to be fully discovered, their role is vital, and the ability to communicate telepathically is a huge help. Through years of practice, Cartographers can not only draw maps, but use them to create new lands.
Likewise, individuals can learn any trade to a supernatural level, leading to an extremely interesting dynamic. Rather than learning magic specifically, users simply work at their trade, honing almost anything to a supernatural ability. Magic can be born from fighting, or from horse-riding, with few exceptions.
This has an impact on culture as well as on war and the economy. A second system, known as wild magic, serves as a kind of radiation, destroying everything it touches. As a result, rather than encouraging supreme skill, many fear it. This interesting dynamic weaves its way through the deep history Stackpole has built, opening many pathways but also many questions.
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They say it takes 10,000 hours to master a skill, but anything after that and you reach the point of diminishing returns. In Cartomancy, practice doesn’t just make perfect, it... Read more
The New World