Jr., L. E. Modesitt Biography
Books by Jr., L. E. Modesitt

- Just Kids:
- The Saga Of Recluce: The Saga of Reclucedescribes a constant war between order and chaos, and its magic system is a significant part of that. Where Order is present in the molecular bonds that...
- The Towers Of The Sunset:
- The Magic Engineer:
- The Order War:
- The Death Of Chaos:
- Fall Of Angels:
- The Chaos Balance:
- The White Order:
- Colors Of Chaos:
- Magi'i Of Cyador:
- Scion Of Cyador:
- Wellspring Of Chaos:
- Ordermaster:
- Natural Ordermage:
- Arms-commander:
- Cyador's Heirs:
- Heritage Of Cyador:
- Imager Portfolio: Imager Portfolio may not be L.E. Modesitt Jr’s most original fantasy, but it undoubtedly fits the sub-genre. Set in the nation of Solidar, it follows Rhennthyl, a wool master’s son....
- Imager's Challenge:
- Scholar:
- Princeps:
- Imager's Battalion:
- Antiagon Fire:
- Imager Portfolio: This is Le Modessit’s best work so far. It’s not a standout fantasy series, but it is pretty entertaining. Modessit’s fantasy typically features a young callow boy who rises through...
- The Order War:
- Fall Of Angels:
- Mage-guard Of Hamor:
- Imager's Intrigue:
- Madness In Solidar:
- Treachery's Tools:
- Assassin’s Price:
- The Towers Of The Sunset:
- The Order War:
- The White Order:
- Ordermaster:
- Natural Ordermage:
- Cyador's Heirs:
- Heritage Of Cyador:
- The Mongrel Mage:
- Outcasts Of Order: